Rapgoddess was born on 30 September 1995 in mapleton new york.
rapgoddess real name is Maureen James, RG/rapgoddess is from Benue state, born in new York but grew up in porthacourt Nigeria,
Nigerian dope female rapper rapgoddess was the founder and CEO of RG entertainment.
rapgoddess as successfully host several rap shows in Nigeria; eg; Eeaster rap fiesta featuring Nigerian legendary rapper,Ruggedman, ModeNine, Erigga paperboi, terrytharapman.and many more.
The name rapgoddess is no longer unfamiliar due to her constant trending concert sponsored and supported by Mtv base,Soundcity, cocacola,peeco oil and gas and many more.
rapgoddess is one of the dope promising rapper with lot of street credibility; having being followed on Instagram by the lives of Davido,2face idibia,orise femi,Ruggedman,ModeNine and so many other top celebrity.
rapgoddess have over 1.6 million views on most of her freestyle videos on her Instagram post,making her one of the top celebrity influencer in Nigeria music industry.
After gaining recognition due to her Easter rap fiester, rapper rapgoddess dropped a hit smash single titteld (Ak47) the song Ak47 is a hip hop track by "rapgoddess" the song is an expression of goal setting, that is' ignoring and living your best life without pretends of what society thinks of you.
Top nollywood producer Ajagbe Murphy a.k.a D-Daddy Zain spread and blog rapgoddess track A.K 47 on the street...
Below are video of ModeNine shout to rapgoddess on Instagram telling her not to give up on hip hop. Freestyle titled #neverGiveup. From ModeNine to rapgoddess.
More videos of rapgoddess freestyle on Instagram @rapgoddess